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Locations - Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Lessons and Instruction

JNTA Outdoor Address

Riverdale Tennis Center

3671 Hudson Manor Terrace

Riverdale NY 10463

JNTA Indoor Address

New York Tennis Club

3081 Harding Ave.

Bronx NY 10465

From the Henry Hudson Parkway

Take exit 20 toward W 237 St

Take W 237th St to W 236th St

Entrance around the corner, at West 236th Street & Douglas Avenue


Free parking: off street parking is available for players in the outdoor spaces adjacent to the club's entrance, at the corner of West 236th Street and Douglas Avenue


FDR North either to Triboro (RFK) Bridge (pay toll) or to Exit 18 = Willis Ave. Bridge (no toll) to Bruckner Blvd. (stay R after bridge); at Exit, make R at traffic light onto E. 138 St.; after 3 lights, bear L and immediately after underpass, see signs to stay R to merge onto Bruckner Expwy; go across traffic light, bearing L to get on Bruckner Expwy.  After 1 mi., stay L at split and follow signs for 2 left lanes towards New England.


Stay on Bruckner Expwy. for 3 exits, taking Hutch River Pkwy/Throgs Neck Bridge Exit 54 on R, but stay in L lane; follow signs to I-295 to Throgs Neck Bridge (but do NOT get on bridge!). Take 2d exit = Exit 9, Harding / Pennyfield Ave.  (There is no Exit 10). Stay L at Exit 9 fork; turn L at exit onto Throggs Neck Expwy Extension, then immediate sharp R onto Harding Ave.; see club parking lot entrance ¾ block down on R at 3081 Harding Ave.  If you come to stop sign at Pennyfield Ave., you’ve missed it!


By Express Bus

The BxM9 Express bus runs to/from Manhattan every day, stopping right at the club’s corner.  For schedules and fares, call the New York Bus Service at 718-994-5500 or click here.




Jeff Nerenberg Tennis Academy | 3602 Irwin Avenue | Riverdale, NY 10463 718-549-9391 or 646-528-0173

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